Tag Archives: kitchen machine jungle

Bosch MUM48A1 traded for a Kenwood KMM770! Why?

As soon as evening came about, Wednesday, I managed to get on my computer and spent hours and hours on end, going through reviews of kitchen machines and prices at different chains. Let’s say, as soon as I got home from the shop with OUR machine, I discovered that I had bought garbage! Garbage for 1190:- Swedish kronor(132 Euro/£111/$180). Luckily I had not ripped open the box, but I did feel depressed since I thought “Gubby” and I had done a good deal and had accomplished something good that day. It was decided via SMS to my husband at the Christmas party, that we would return the machine Thursday evening.

I realized that the kitchen machine area is a jungle. And when you look at tests performed by professional testers, not one single test ranks the same machine as number one. And sometimes they test the strangest things.

All day yesterday, I researched, and when T. and I finally headed for Mediamarkt to return my Bosch MUM48A1, I did not have a clue what to trade it for! We got in and they did not want to return my money but that I should shop for something else in THEIR shop. So we looked. We looked at the one Bosch that they said had been named best in test. It had actually come in 2nd in ONE test only. But the bowl was so tiny, just like the one that I was just returning, and I could see my “lussekatt” dough rising and going over the edges all over the counter, creating the world’s mess. boschT. started to look seriously at this Bosch machine, but with a metal bowl. (2290:-/252 Euro/£213/$347) He finally confessed to the salesman at Mediamarkt that he MIGHT have burnt the motor on the kitchen machine by making smoothies, attaching the blender to it. Ice and frozen fruit will do that ALL THE TIME. But he always have to learn the hard way! He burned so many blenders in the US, that it was crazy! In one way, I was almost tempted to get this machine since it had one of the biggest bowls. But after reading reviews by all sorts of people, and realizing that others use their machines not only for heavy dough, but for cake batter, cream and all sorts of other things, I started thinking that IF I kept the machine out on the counter all the time, then it would get used more. That put an entirely different light on things. This did not really seem like the sort of machine one would make batter in or whip cream in?! And it would be too tempting for T. and “Dollie” to use it for their smoothies.

Before I settled, I wanted to see the machine that T. had seen on sale on the internet, that morning, across the street at Elgiganten, their competitor. It was a Kenwood Major and only Thursday, was it sold for 2500:-/276 Euro/£232/$379. Lots of shops have Advent calendars like this, offering a new product every day at a serious discount. First I looked at it at Mediamarkt, that charged 3500:-/387 Euro/£325/$530 for it, and then we told the salesperson that we would walk around thinking about it all, discussing. He thought we should get the Bosch since he had one like it himself. We snuck over the street to look at the Kenwood but first they knew nothing about the offer and had to look it up on their computer. Then it turned out that it was kenwoodkmm770NOT the Kenwood that I had seen for 3500:- at Mediamarkt but a Kenwood Major KMM770 that all other days cost 4500:-/497 Euro/£418/$683 but this day only was lowered to 2500:- Only 200:- more than the Bosch and a top of the line machine. Let’s say it took less than 30 seconds for me to make up my mind and the salesperson just stood there in awe and could not understand how this could be true, that it was being sold at such a price!First rule was decided in the shop and that is that T. is not allowed to go near my Kenwood with a blender!!!

Although I guess I should not call it mine. My money will not be refunded for 6 days, from Mediamarkt since T. asked them to put the money back in to an account we never use but on holidays. I was so mad. I need the money and now I have to be that much short for 6 days. 3 days for the shop to deposit it in to that account and 3 days for us to get the money over to my account. But they did agree to give me the money back finally, which of course was good! We had to pay for the machine by credit card right now but I want the debt paid off quicker than quick so we don’t have to pay interest. Then it doesn’t come out that cheap does it???As soon as I receive my money back from Mediamarkt, I will try to pay in to the credit card even if we have not received a bill yet…

We got home at 20:00 and I got my beautiful machine out of the box. At 23:00, 30 “lussekatter” was laying on the counter cooling off. I know that we should not have bought such an expensive machine, but since the one for 1190:- was a lousy one that can’t handle dough and the next level of machines were only 200:- less than this Kenwood, why not get something proper that will hopefully last for years and years and years? It seems like it was meant to be!


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